The event exhibited a selection of the most striking, thought-provoking pieces, including paintings, collages, films, poems and short stories, providing an intimate insight into human rights issues; particularly those which are missed in the mainstream media, especially from Burma, India, Nagorno-Karabakh, Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan, Timor-Leste and Uganda.
A few weeks ago, an IT professional from Pune wrote to us about some areas in Pune where she believed that some girls were pushed against their will into the sex trade. We then tried to find out about some local NGOs in Pune who could help.
She then wrote to the NGO and diligently followed up with them until she got an answer. Here is a screenshot of her powerful and heartfelt email to the NGO.
Result - two minor girls saved!
How did this happen? She did NOT IGNORE. She TOOK ACTION. She ensured that she gets an ANSWER.
Thank you Shivangi. We sincerely appreciate your efforts. Very few people sustain the patience to wait for an answer once information has been shared with the respective stakeholders. Shivangi hasn't stopped yet. She wants to ensure that the children are properly rehabilitated. We will keep you updated.
Imagining a world where none of us ignore, but dare to care by asking the right questions, sharing information and seeking an answer. How wonderful that world would be!
#freedommatters #stophumantrafficking #faith #hope #action
And still if you feel that they are to be disrespected and discarded, then go, discard yourself.
Thank you.
They are rising. Tomorrow is theirs
"तू मेरी तोह चिंता कर
मत अपनी सोच
I have a plan
I have a dream"
#empowered #rights #sexwork #trafficking #humantrafficking
An example of exploitation of young boys is the practice of Bacha Bazi practiced in Afghanistan. "Bacha Bazi is the practice of men preying upon younger boys, many times stating that they are apprentices, and ultimately using them for their own sexual pleasure. This pedophilia has been a long time part of the culture in Afghanistan. While the Taliban was in power, bacha bazi was actually banned. Since the Taliban has been overthrown, it has come back more prevalently in the communities. The most important part needing to be addressed with bacha bazi is the complete coercion and exploitation of these young boys. As of now, there are not many individuals who are combatting the practice of bacha bazi. There is a common question of whether this is culture or whether this is slavery. I’d have to say that within cultures' norms, slavery has existed and been accepted before. Whether this was once seen as “okay” is not the issue today. In the documentary cited in this video, you can see the men do know it is wrong. The problem is that there are not people willing, due to coercion or fear, to be firm and truly tell them it is not okay to ruin the innocence and take away the youth of a child." More about this practice can be found out here - The problem as the writer points out is that in the absence of raising our voices, we let these things go on. #ashamed
Letter of Hope 5: Contribution to Solve Technical Problems in Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts
Thank you Kunal. People like you give us the courage and strength to keep traversing this fight. It takes immense courage and strongest of faith to commit your services with such confidence and belief.
We will definitely find a source where your genuine and honest efforts can be put to best use.
Thank you.
#freedommatters #stophumantrafficking #faith #hope #letsdothis
Here is the English translation of the poem (By Late Dushyant Kumar) played in the credits of the documentary by Nikita Gupta.